I contemplate. A lot. I weigh the good and the bad, cogitate on numerous outcomes, and try real hard to consider how my actions might affect those around me. Unfortunately for me, all this takes time. Some accuse me of having slow processing abilities. I often find it frustrating, especially when I HAVE to make a decision pronto, or simply share some of my own thought and ideas.

On the upside, though, there are some folks who appreciate my prolonged thought processing. Turns out that it's helped me become a more thoughtful individual. That's not too bad, eh? People seem to share their troubles with me because they know that I won't judge. I'd say this 'affliction' seems to have its benefits. It helps me to think before I speak (for the most part) as it always troubles me when I discover I have hurt someone's feelings through my actions and words. I guess I'd like to treat people the way I'd like to be treated - with some respect. We're all imperfect, but that doesn't mean we can't try to achieve some level of compassion.
I think I'll keep my 'affliction', thank you verry much!
Image: Nadaraj, Geetha. Slug at Grange Park Opera, Winchester. Digital image. 2013. 2 Mar. 2015.
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