Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Slice of Life #11

The claim out there is that fresh water is a renewable resource as it comes back to us in the form of rain. If this is the case, then why are we experiencing shortages in our tropical land that hosts some of the world's oldest rainforests? R-A-I-N-forests. Hah!
The painful fact is that this priceless resource is on its way out. Only some 3% of fresh water is suitable for human consumption and this number is decreasing by the day, owing to contamination and pollution from man's insatiable desire for industry and monoculture. Research states that we still have a couple of centuries yet before this truly reaches severe levels, yet here I sit blogging about whether I'll be able to brush my teeth tomorrow or not...
Then there's the issue of water levels decreasing while the world's population increases. According to an article I read recently, water reserves are being used up so quickly that these are unable to replenish and keep up with the demand. I'd say the current drought in KL exemplifies this to a 'T'. 
It's inevitable. As long as we live the way we live, there will be no renewal of that precious resource we call water. 
Image:  "World Water Day 2014: Events - UN Water." 2011. 12 Mar. 2014 <>

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