Friday, 21 March 2014

Slice of Life #20: Clouds

This morning, I saw a lamb playing on the back of a crocodile... maybe it was an alligator, I couldn't tell.

Clear skies, a rare event these days, served up a multitude cloud formations this morning. I had to indulge the senses while driving. The moment took me back to my childhood, sitting in the back of our trusty Peugeot on some long drawn journey to some place completely different from home. We sang songs, played "I spy..." and spotted clouds feigning forms only recognisable by humans, or so I thought. 

I used to wonder if my other family - Ginger, Junior, Juno, Dawn, and Dopey - ever dabbled in cloud spotting while they lay out in the yard on their backs, sunning their chubby tummies. It seemed to me that they were, as they always seemed to be grinning, tongues hanging out the side of their muzzles when in this position. Now and then, they would flop their heads over to the other side, as though following the movements of these intriguing puffs of whiteness. Were they waiting to see what shapes would follow and grin some more? 

I'd like to think so. 

Image"While it's sunny in Britain, Africa looks cloudy : Photographer ..." 2013. 20 Mar. 2014 <>

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Slice of Life #14: Trouble in Threes

Trouble seems to happen in threes. I had a repeat tumble of the stairs first thing in the morning - my knees took the brunt of it yet again. I realised that maybe the stairs (perhaps even the stars) were telling me something. I have no idea what, but I now negotiate them with utmost care, and at an extremely gingerly pace - like my grandmother, had she had been alive today. 

Then came problem #3... The traffic was rather smooth for a Friday and I was feeling confident that I could get some ice on my troubled joints sharpish. If only life was this simple. About 8km from home, Theo, the Wildebeest (my car) begins to thrown a tantrum. He chugs down to a mere 20km/p/h, jerking and dragging, flashing the engine malfunction light at me. 

It's like he's screaming, "You neglected me! I hate you! Suffer the wrath of the engine malfunction light!"

As I inched back home, cars behind me honking, flashing and drivers gesturing rudely, I realised that I had been gripping the steering with all of my heart and soul. It hurt to uncurl my fingers off and my arms felt like lead. I bet they hurt like hell tomorrow... Goes to show, no matter how many terrifying experiences one lives through, car trouble somehow manages to trump them all...   

Image: "E15 and Check Engine Light Malfunctions (Take 2) - Energy Tomorrow." 2013. 20 Mar. 2014 <>

Friday, 14 March 2014

Slice of Life #13

Oh, South East Asia!
How I'd love to hate your garb of oranges and browns.
Yet, I find some comfort in your hazy hues.
Those concrete, metal monstrosities,
are no longer visible.
And so I reminisce, 
of a time when there were no skyscrapers
blotting the not too distant horizon.

Image: "KUALA LUMPUR | OLD Pictorial Thread - Page 21 - SkyscraperCity." 14 Mar. 2014 <>

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Slice of Life #12: Halloween

"Everyday's Halloween in Ms. Nadaraj's class!" Lisa grinned cheekily in response to my earlier Halloween announcement that all those in my presence should fear me. 

I truly wasn't sure if this was a compliment or criticism, but I guess her big grin pretty much meant she felt comfortable sharing her humour with me. And, really, Lisa's the most polite and thoughtful soul.

On a later date, Esther explained, "I think we mean that it's more like getting candy on Halloween" (just to be clear, I don't give candy. Never have, never will).

Right there is the reason why I wake up in the morning and come into school everyday.

Life is good.

Image: "Bewitching plans for 400th anniversary of Pendle witch trials (From ..." 2010. 14 Mar. 2014 <>

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Slice of Life #11

The claim out there is that fresh water is a renewable resource as it comes back to us in the form of rain. If this is the case, then why are we experiencing shortages in our tropical land that hosts some of the world's oldest rainforests? R-A-I-N-forests. Hah!
The painful fact is that this priceless resource is on its way out. Only some 3% of fresh water is suitable for human consumption and this number is decreasing by the day, owing to contamination and pollution from man's insatiable desire for industry and monoculture. Research states that we still have a couple of centuries yet before this truly reaches severe levels, yet here I sit blogging about whether I'll be able to brush my teeth tomorrow or not...
Then there's the issue of water levels decreasing while the world's population increases. According to an article I read recently, water reserves are being used up so quickly that these are unable to replenish and keep up with the demand. I'd say the current drought in KL exemplifies this to a 'T'. 
It's inevitable. As long as we live the way we live, there will be no renewal of that precious resource we call water. 
Image:  "World Water Day 2014: Events - UN Water." 2011. 12 Mar. 2014 <>

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Slice of Life #10

I contemplate. A lot. I weigh the good and the bad, cogitate on numerous outcomes, and try real hard to consider how my actions might affect those around me. Unfortunately for me, all this takes time. Some accuse me of having slow processing abilities. I often find it frustrating, especially when I HAVE to make a decision pronto, or simply share some of my own thought and ideas. 

The painful truth is I learn by doing. I learn with practice. Words on a document often don't make any sense unless I've put it into practice. I would've made someone a wonderful apprentice way back when these were the norm. 

On the upside, though, there are some folks who appreciate my prolonged thought processing. Turns out that it's helped me become a more thoughtful individual. That's not too bad, eh? People seem to share their troubles with me because they know that I won't judge. I'd say this 'affliction' seems to have its benefits. It helps me to think before I speak (for the most part) as it always troubles me when I discover I have hurt someone's feelings through my actions and words. I guess I'd like to treat people the way I'd like to be treated - with some respect. We're all imperfect, but that doesn't mean we can't try to achieve some level of compassion.

I think I'll keep my 'affliction', thank you verry much!

Image:  "Eide Neurolearning Blog: Slow Processing Speed...Video Game ..." 2010. 12 Mar. 2014 <>

Monday, 10 March 2014

Slice of Life #9

My heart goes out to the families and lives lost in the recent Malaysia Airlines tragedy. 

Image: Malaysia Airlines Logo

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Slice of Life #8

There is much to be said about a quiet weekend. 

The recycling was organised and deposited in their respective bins. There wasn't much, so I must be making some good choices.  

The iron finally saw the light of day when I discovered his trusty ironing board under a mound of clothing. Owing to my attempts at domesticity, I realised it was time to streamline again...

My formula is simple, just like my life:

Streamlined wardrobe =  less ironing + more time 
Streamlined kitchen = less washing + easy cleaning + more time

I gave my hair a little pampering with revitalising oils and a little massage. Hair seemed happy and I continue to live in hope.

Managed a quick visit to my sister's, where I indulged in several servings (I stopped counting at 3) of a home-cooked lunch. A post-gluttony nap followed, naturally. 

Back home, I got down to some school work until Saturday concluded at 10pm.  

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Slice of Life #7

It's rugby weekend!
A good way to end my birthday week. 
Yes, I said 'week'. 
Why stop at just one day? 
Life is good.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Slice of Life #6

Data, data, data. Such is the life of an EAL teacher. You're always collecting data to assess student progress in language acquisition. I wish for a data fairy. I would simply flash test scores at it and, in return, it would immediately compile all necessary information, create electronic files, AND get me some lunch...

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Slice of Life #5

"Cake! Give me CAKE! NOW!!!" 

That's my brain's reaction to the video, How Sugar Affects the Brain


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Slice of Life #4

On Monday I fell.
On my knees.
Did not... could not break my fall,
thanks to the laptop in my left hand,
coffee cup in my right 
(and I only drink that stuff once a month, as a treat).
The laptop and coffee mug survived,
the knees weren't as lucky.
But, self pity is time consuming and boring. 
Tomorrow's a new day!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Slice of Life #3

I oppose third world e-waste dumping. You can only imagine the guilt I felt when the thought of a mini iPad crossed my mind.
Fortunately, I found myself a pair of Oakleys instead. Yeah, yeah, that's headed to the dump, too, but to the miserly and fashion un-conscious types like me, it'll last way into the distant future.

The iPad's on hold for now (yay!) and I'll just have to manage with my laptop and trusty, shocking pink Nokia that's built to last - like, forever!

Monday, 3 March 2014

Slice of Life #2

So... turned out a few of us decided it would be a great idea to drag our sorry selves out of bed at 5am on a Sunday and head up to Rawang for a two hour hike to a little waterfall. On the way up, we were almost run down by an elderly man on his rickety motor cycle. Nothing out of the ordinary, one might say, in our daily Malaysian experiences. The cutest thing was he had a little mongrel seated 'shotgun' in front of him, with three other cheerful mutts in the 'backseat'. I couldn't get my camera out in time, but got a shot of the mutt transport when we eventually found it parked off to the side in a rubber plantation. Did I mention the man had a shotgun? Apparently they were off hunting wild boar in the general vicinity.

Image: Mutt Transport in Rawang- Geetha Nadaraj 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Slice of Life #1

O hellish HAZE! 
How thy hover over me, horrid to the heart. 
Howling down my sinuses, 
hindering my breath, nurturing headaches.
Hell hath no fury like the haze.

Haze from Indonesian Fires Return to Malaysia. 2013. Photograph. Fox NewsWeb. 27 Feb 2014. <>.